Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Just a few more days....

Spring Break is almost here!  A few reminders about Friday--it is a half day and school ends at 12:00.  Lunch will not be served on Friday.  

We are having our STEAM DAY on Friday.  Our class is paired with Miss Saffelle's first grade for another day of creativity and engineering. We asked the girls to bring the top to a shoebox to school.  If you have an extra one, we would love to have it. We have some, but we could use a few more.

I'm proud of what the girls have accomplished in math.  We are concentrating on division and decimals. In spite of having just learned the algorithm, most of the girls are dividing with a great deal of accuracy, and they are beginning to understand the concept of a decimal, as well.

The class had a wonderful time with their latest Book Hug. Everyday they begged to have reading, and they had a wonderful time planning which book they would read next.  We concentrated on identifying certain traits and supporting those with details from the passage. As well, we worked on inferences, which has been a focal point all year.  We have been writing every day--all types of writing.  You should ask your daughter about it. Soon, you will have a chance to read what they wrote about you...some great stories. This assignment was the most fun of all!

Let's pray for good weather for next week!  Have a wonderful break from school!

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