Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Exciting Parents' Night! September 8, 6:00PM McVey Theater

Dear Parents,
    Welcome to the second week of school!  Parents' Night is scheduled for tomorrow, September 8.  It will start in McVey Theater at 6:00.  Third and Fourth Grade parents will sit in the front rows of the theater because you will stay an extra ten minutes to hear Jim Astrove speak on Cyber Safety and Schuyler Guare, a Senior, speak about the importance of the Honor Council.  These are important issues that your girls are facing, so I think that you will find this very informative and helpful.  Schuyler, an exceptional girl, was in my fourth grade class, so I know she will do an excellent job explaining the importance of honor at St. Catherine's.

    After the program in McVey ends, you will have an opportunity to meet the Special Teachers. My classroom program begins at 7:00 in M06, right next to the Science room. Afterwards, there will be more time to meet Special teachers.  

    There is always a special energy at school on Parents' Night, as we come together for a common purpose--the education of your daughters.  I look forward to seeing you tomorrow night!



1 comment:

  1. Dear Ms. Roberts, thank you for the information about parent's night. I have a question. Are students allowed at parent night? Do I need to get a sitter for Zhenya?

    Best Regards
    Debbie Campbell-Rance
